Coming back

I start to come up
from where I had fallen,
start to come back
from where I was knocked off center

The first thing is noticing
the sense of separation, and the second
is waiting, like someone just awakened,
for my orientation to return  –
no words in this part,
just an assertion of shape-memory,
gradual and incremental

After that, I am able
to talk about it. And my talking
makes a different kind of sense,
it smooths and soothes
my ruffled consciousness,
it pulls me back to where I know
what and how I orbit,  how I move,
and where my stillness rests.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 11, 2023


Am I allowed to come back to
happiness as a normal state?
Am I allowed, despite naivete
I have been disabused of,
despite egregious flaws
of which I’ve now become aware,
to live a day in simple joy?
And maybe many of them,
day after day (like I’ve been doing)?

Can it be real that I have left the fear behind
(the fear of falling to my deserved demise)?
Here at my center,
a tender truth is telling me
stay here. Stay here always
to learn this yes.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 28, 2022

Still small voice

The small voice
didn’t say this to me, because
the still small voice
is only at the center  –
speaks to the center, from the center,
of the center

Words that speak of the approach
are not of the center  –
they can’t wield the necessary stillness,
can’t make clear
the one most needed thing
the still small voice can tell me:
the center is here.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 22, 2022


I’m not waiting
for something to happen
(nothing ever comes about that way)

I’m coming back instead
to guard my citadel
(which, before this, I didn’t even know I had)

A citadel that I can furnish
with warm lights
and soft corners to inhabit,
with knowledge of the truth imparting sacred peace

And when it’s set, and when it’s centered,
when it’s clear,
I can invite others in,
I can bring them in to share
this all transforming calm.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 23, 2020