
To sow the seed,
to find the fertile soil,
I need to leave the wayside  –
stop trafficking in rutted expectations,
bills of goods we’ve sold ourselves,
cynics’ worldly trade

And I need to get beyond the rocky ground,
and thorns, springing up to choke the green –
superficial judgments of what others are,
temptation nagging me
to play the games

To see the wonder of the seed’s growth,
multiplication beyond the world’s belief,
I need to find the mystery
of the depth of love,
which blossoms every time
our hearts meet.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2023


She closed her eyes
and felt the reassuring hands
hold her in the certainty
of everlasting love

She understood, then,
that she had found the net
held up by noone,
but shared in willingness,
so those who leaned in to it
would be caught up, would feel
the blessing waiting for them there

And when I heard that,
I felt my great desire
to touch in to the network
and to hold it ready,
so anyone who closed their eyes in willingness
to likewise be transported into bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 5, 2023

Take me back

Take me back,
when I wander down
the old, rutted paths,
finding words in my mouth
that I’ve discarded so many times,
finding myself tripping
in the same old ways

Take me back
to where my steps surprise me
and my words are new
and my presence
is a revelation
for me and others at the same time
as we all see ourselves
magnified in our epiphanies
about each other
and ourselves, too.
Take me back
to where my sight is true.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 20, 2023


Thick frost crystals after a starry night,
guests  with smiles and eyes that dance with light,
a joy that seems to stream from nowhere
in every gathering of life

I strive to find the right words,
line up the meanings and the feelings
so my intent to bless may be believed,
the whole cloth of my thought received

And in this offering and its reception,
our energy is multiplied  –
this is a key to ending lack,
with every  need for every life supplied.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 18, 2022


I think I’ll just stay here forever
if I can remember to –
here in the release from all dark thoughts,
here in the regimen of
everything defined by its essence
and not by projected lack

Need – not as what falls short
but rather,  what waits to bless:
needs to be witnessed,.
needs to bring us along
in the bright gift it’s been designed
to give us,
needs to shine forth like a sun,
needs to bring life

I’ll just stay here –
I have to remember to,
to see another’s need and supply it,
dancing in showers
of resultant good.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 31, 2022

As I have been given

In the softness of this cloudy day,
in the quietness of certain moments,
I remind myself,
and it starts to come back to me,
how I have been shown,
how I have been given
a way of walking here
where joy comes up under my feet
and floats from everything i see

I don’t want to keep it to myself,
I seek the deepening
that lets me give it
to everyone I think of
and everyone I see

I work it now in little ways
and wait to see it open up,
not by my will
but by my willingness,
not by expertise
but by grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 2, 2021

Tree and Wind

I could be the wind.
I could be the wind that blows
sometimes hard, sometimes soft,
from different directions

I could be the wind
that swirls around and picks things up
and lets them fall elsewhere

And you could be the tree,
your leaves first, and then your limbs
stretching out along the lines
of my blowing, your roots reaching,
grasping a deeper anchor,
lines of strength growing up
along your trunk

You could be the tree
growing more and more
into yourself,  the essence of you
gaining power

It wouldn’t be that I shaped you,
or that my essence
determined yours,
but what you are would not be harmed
by my presence –
what you are would reach into itself
and bring up more.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 19, 2021

Back to basics

Well, I have to remind myself each morning,
have to go back to it again
however many times in the day
I feel myself slipping

Follow the cause lines back
through the tendrils of my longing
and the flitting lights of my desire,
under and over the fears and blocked places
back to where the light comes clear
and the desire flames without guttering,
and everything in my being
that needs to be nourished
finds its connection to what feeds it

I have to go back
so I can start from there,
so what I am can flow freely
all the way down to where I find myself,
all the way through to what fills my days
with the giving of my gift
and the holy song of praise.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 2,  2021


It hadn’t occurred to me before then
that our work, too, could be haloed,
could glow in the perfection of unfolding,
could be a blessing to both us
and all that touch it

It hadn’t occurred to me that, in fact,
it must be haloed, must reflect
the impulse that brings it forth,
must show, in its development,
and in the gratitude it hails,
the way we bless, the way we grow,
the way we’re loved.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2020