
When I breathe deep, I smell bees,
and suddenly the scent of everything
is opened to me  – how the June air at evening
is rich with blossoms and resin, ripe grass
and some distant spice,
and inside the ag building,
sawdust and pencil lead,
various minerals

We work until after dark,
though darkness doesn’t come till 10,
we savor the sky, and the satisfaction
of work done.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24, 2023

Bee longing

Though I am happy
that the bees are happy,
that I did no harm,
I still feel the longing
to have them close at hand again

I had them in my hands,
I had their sweet scent
wafting inside of me,
I had no understanding
but tried to act as if I did
and so I lost them

I certainly perceive that I’m no expert,
but maybe I have learned
just a little bit more
about feeling, and listening,
and not trying to be the boss.
About letting them bee.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 27, 2023

Happy Endings

Life doesn’t end. Stories do,
and so their endings can be happy,
tied up at their full circle, a flouncy bow
all these arcs had meaning  –
that which drew us forth
intended that we find
what we are seeking

Life is always starting up the next thing.
Stories satisfy because they give us
endings we can rest in

And so you know – I learned
I didn’t kill those bees –
just sent them home
to the neighbors’ waiting hive,
where they seem happy.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 24, 2023

Swarm loss

Not an emotion, this sorrow
is structural, comb drawn out
in my heart, white etchings
a bare start, arrested
before they could take form,
long before they could hold anything

These hopes, like queenless bees,
huddle in small patches
as the memory of why and where

But a stronger structure,
as yet unnamed, is taking form –
I wait to see what it will support,
what it may contain.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 21, 2023