After Summer

The little yellow flowers
that filled the field this morning
have almost all closed up by afternoon,
the clicking orange-winged grasshoppers
continue with their short and busy flights,
the tousled seed heads, dandelion-like,
shake in the wind and sometimes let seeds go

Here at the top of the heat arc of the day,
it could almost be summer,
except the breeze is cooler, kinder,
and there is moisture in the ground,
and there’s a poignancy
to the sharpness of the curve,
lending urgency to insects,
brightening colors by bending them down.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24,  2021

The Knowing

There was space in the morning
to allow
for the tiniest of yellow flowers
to open
just half way  – a trumpet bell on a stem

And space,  in that tiny harmony
to account
for all the interweavings, subterranean
and above,
all the ideas that had to be here first
for all this to unfold,
from the smallest to the largest

All of this
had to be known,
and this is our gift,
that we are the knowing.
This we are given,
and this we give, in turn.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 22,  2021


I am not the one who tells you,
deep down where the current of your being
runs in the channels of your knowing,
in the certainty of truth

Me telling you this
would just be some line across the surface,
scribbled with a marker,
annoying, perhaps, and easily written off
as ignorant of all that lies below

But you hearing this
from the voice that puts your doubts and fears to silence,
so comprehensive it is,
and so kind –
you hearing this from the infinite within –
that will let you know.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21,  2021

Riding High

Riding the high of the day’s beauty  –
clarity of air, and so many
elegant plays of water –
sun rays through vapor,
raindrops on trees,
fog lifting, clouds drifting,
all of the scents wide awake

Riding the high of the day’s beauty  –
long worked-for things coming together,
hope coming visible,
the deep anchoring truth of our being
pulling us into clarity,
focusing us in joy.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 20,  2021


Walking down the slope today
I was remembering times of trusting  –
sweet connection, like being borne aloft
on a great swing, feeling the lift

Wondering where I left that behind,
how I came to feel
I was on my own,
earning my trustworthiness
with every step

It has been a worthy journey,
and if not earning, certainly learning
what is required of me,
what is my move to own my desire,
how I can follow it back to my core

But somewhere maybe also,
there’s a place for a child’s trust –
the willing reaching of my hand,
the eager leap,
to be caught, and held aloft,
to be caught up and embraced,
to feel the lift,
the certain joy, the easy grace
of seeing love so constant
in my Father’s face.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 19,  2021

First Rain

The long awaited rain
comes down softly,
gentle on the dry grass,
the hardened ground,
giving everything a chance
to open up, to take it in

And we could say we’ve earned the right
to soften, to rest from all our work,
behind the droplets on the windshield,
becoming rivulets now,
becoming drumbeats,
till they convince us
to make our way home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 18,  2021

The goodness of life

The goodness of life
can’t be extracted from the moment,
can’t be packaged as a supplement
to take later, or to take
without having noticed
the textures and tremolos,
the subtle but definite
order of everything,
without comprehending
the depth and constancy
of your belonging
and what it means

The goodness of life
requires you.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16,  2021


We are coming together
in the knitting of things that grow
from different directions
and converge
like edges on the opposite sides
of a wound,
like native blackberry
weaving a mat to cover the bare ground

Don’t despair at the distance between us –
we are coming together.
You may feel appalled at my position,
but don’t worry  –
we are all pulled to the same thing,
and though my yearning seems to come
from a different place than yours,
it seeks the same goal, and so
we will come together.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 15,  2021

Sky Angels

Already the ice-tipped sky angels
have returned  – they herald
the crisp edges of the days,
which we have both longed for and feared,
since, once the slide starts
towards the rainy season,
everything falls fast

We know the trees want it,
and the land. We want to be ready,
we want to ride the joy of it
all the way to cozy,
want our trees and ourselves
to make it through.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 13,  2021

Bring me home

Bring me home  –
I am willing to come contrite,
I am willing to come silly,
I am willing to be seen as I am,
however long I have resisted it

Bring me home  –
I am willing to be cleansed
as I go, to let these crusted edges
fall away. I’m tired of pretending
that I know stuff,
I am willing to be led by the hand

It’s been a long time in this hamster wheel,
driven by illusions of progress
and falling behind –
I’m ready  to be done with time,
to have all of its structures
proved to be nothing –
no huge monstrosity
needing to be corrected,
no pit we can’t dig ourselves out of

I’m willing to be part
of the great awakening,
eager for you to bring me home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 12,  2021