
And if I thought I might fall
through the cracks of the day,
tumble between the tasks,
blown by an ill wind of complaint,
if I thought I might be discouraged
by its unrelenting howl,
there is always the ground

There is always the intense
springing of life, through the soil,
through the grass, through my feet.
There is always the recognition
of how great the “we”
of all life, how layered and irrepressible
it is, how it sings in the deer’s taste of grass,
in the flash of a bluebird’s wing,
how it rests in my breath
while the day’s lullabies
prepare a place for me.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 11, 2021

Well Done

Twilight sets in at 4:30,
and with it, rain, and satisfaction
at having used the day well,
being outside and moving projects forward
as weather allowed, being ready now
to shift into indoor tasks
and inward work,
rich in the light and heat we gathered
in the brighter moments of the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 10, 2021

Unexpected Glory

Things can be more beautiful
than you thought – seams can crack open,
unimagined light can pour through
at any part of your life –
things you’ve tended, especially,
but also what you’ve forgotten,
or what is given you
from the kindness of others
(from what they’ve tended
or maybe what they unexpectedly found)

Life can be more beautiful
than the dogged portion you’ve allowed yourself,
or the comfort that you’ve settled for,
the compromise, the resignation

Anybody’s life can open up
in unexpected glory,
bringing blessing to themselves
and many others

Your life can be
the light you hoped for it –
ask and seek, and seek and ask –
it will come forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 9, 2021

Flood Tides

There may be moments
where you see the whole tide
of what we have called history –
sweeping events, toxic thought forces
that left so many tangled, stranded,
caught in some anomaly of feeling,
left alone, or shattered, fractured,
grinding brokenly against others
in thoughtless eddies
of interactions

You may find peace in knowing
none of this is your fault  –
not where you started
or how you landed
or what people said were
choices that you made

You may find peace in feeling
the flood tides slowly rising,
lifting you up, bringing us back together,
giving a way to reimagine
what it means to live here on this earth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 8, 2021

A Pearl

Here is a pearl you could wear
on a long chain, belly level,
perhaps – a truth you could use
when you need it, a secret reminder

You could remember your life
is already loved, and it doesn’t need
lies to prop it up
or fears to keep it safe

Your love is served by truth,
your truth augments your love –
they hold you in the safe place
where you know you are enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 7, 2021

A Deeper Honesty

I part the brambles, step within –
I seek a deeper honesty –
the portals that it opens
makes it worth the search,
for here a fuller life
is promised me

The small excuse, the better sounding story,
I turn these over, see what’s underneath  –
a fear of being judged, perhaps,
or that my truest self
would not be fit to be more fully seen

Or that the short cuts I have taken,
ways I’ve failed to see another fairly,
were best for me to hide,
(and mostly from myself)
could be concealed, so I’d be let off easy

My honesty will help these flaws in thought to pass away,
and let the skill of my Creator
have the final say.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2021


Am I brave enough
to put my life under a loupe,
to see and understand
all the loops.of thought –
how they hide themselves
and how they manifest,
and what they do when bathed in sudden light?

And am I willing to be calm and kind enough
to uncover hidden hurts and misconceptions,
to follow down the consequences
and put to right whatever is awry?

One thing is sure –
the way is forward –
neither looking back
nor circling in stasis
will furnish me the needed satisfaction,
and when this work is called for,
and as it is, I’ll do it
in humbleness, and willingness,
and trust.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 4, 2021

As I have been given

In the softness of this cloudy day,
in the quietness of certain moments,
I remind myself,
and it starts to come back to me,
how I have been shown,
how I have been given
a way of walking here
where joy comes up under my feet
and floats from everything i see

I don’t want to keep it to myself,
I seek the deepening
that lets me give it
to everyone I think of
and everyone I see

I work it now in little ways
and wait to see it open up,
not by my will
but by my willingness,
not by expertise
but by grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 2, 2021

I Choose

Well, all of us have broken pieces,
all of us have memories
of things that didn’t go the way we hoped

And all of us have voices
with their diagnoses
of where things stand, given what has happened

But all of us have choices,
and they’re absolutely different
from what the voices tell us that they are

I choose
to let my love come back,
and not let it be stranded
waiting for someone to be lovable

My love knows where it comes from
and it knows to be itself. It never waits
for a precisely perfect time.
My love comes back – it’s happy to be home.
My love goes outward knowing how to shine.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 31, 2021