Along the shafts

These days I see the light everywhere  –
in the glow of wood grain,
in between the ribs
of all these living vessels of hope
(however much they cover it)

I see it along the shafts of rain,
and in compassion
that rises between the stories
of untold pain. I see it
in how much
everything alive desires to live,
and how the sky
hugs us all around
and holds us in.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 6, 2021


I love your happy pictures,
your confident success
and the feeling of security
because you have arrived

What is this braided shadow
that I feel? – that everything I see here
will be shaken
one way or another,
but it will be OK

It will be shaken till you know
your worth is not dependent
on this or any other points
you have achieved

They will be shaken
but with infinite compassion
so you feel
the vastness of the blessing of your days,
that your joy is not dependent
on things that can be lost,
and your goodness what can never fade away.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 3, 2021

A place of angels

Let us meet each other
in a place of angels,
where there is no baggage
of what we said yesterday,
or what we have said and done
these past thirty-nine years

Let us be caught up in the light
of present splendor,
of coming into
all we are meant to be

Let us blend lights
with all the angels here,
especially the one
we learned so much love from

Let’s apply that learning
to each other and to everyone
who intersects our vision,
who brings their quintessential radiance
into the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 1, 2021

Spirit Vision

In the vision I saw
the high saturation of Spirit  –
it was nothing pale, nothing you could miss

Its color made the daily objects
almost hard to see, so washed out
they were, so ghostlike,
while Spirit filled the whole canvas
with bright rays of power,
becoming the obvious substance
to walk in, to speak of,
to use for all motion and action,
to be for, to be about,
to live in.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2021


I come around again to peace  –
Is it cued by the music?
Or by the still place that I made
from working breath and body?
Or is it sweet forgiveness, knowing all of us
are here, and all desiring
this same sense of release
and homing, and being wrapped in kindness,
and being kindness itself,
ever able to forge its way
across the deep.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2021


Let Spirit breathe through you
until you notice
you are not a structure being sounded through,
not a flute, not a pipe, but rather
the song itself

And the timbre is not a product
of anything but Spirit,
and the tune is ever Spirit’s own,
and the words –
how much like home they feel!
– for all the song resounds
with what you are,
as Spirit sings your every tone.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 28, 2021

Mind Fire

Thoughts lick like flames
around new concepts in my mind,
trying to make sense,
looking for ways to get inside
and comprehend the matter
through and through

I find it warming
and a little bit exciting  –
maybe when this is all clear,
so much more understanding
will be in reach,
maybe I’ll soar in ways
I’ve only dreamed of till now.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 26, 2021

This Day

It is a contented lipity lap
with which the pages of the day
fall layered and random
in my thought – the talking on the phone,
efforts to integrate new things
into the household order,
planning for a gathering a few days hence,
neglecting chores

And gratitude, although I had no urge to force it,
rose like sun-drenched clouds
through moments in my day,
arresting skys commanded my attention,
rays and colors couldn’t help but draw forth praise.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2021