Mushroom hunting

Scanning the ground
where the soft curve of brown
that I’m looking for turns out,
every time, to be acorns,
or the soft lobes of oak leaves
settling down. It is their season now,
it seems – they rest together quietly,
intimate whispers in the dampness,
curling in for winter’s rest

I ask my belly then
to send an invitation to the mushrooms
to join the dance of things
that unlock molecules
so elements go free
to seek out other pairings

It is happy to oblige
and soon I find some mushrooms
in the amber tones of its delighted language

There is more to learn of this
than what I noticed here – the invitation
extends to me –
to come back often
to join this dance.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 18, 2021

Story Arc

(From the virtual biking philosophers’ notebook)

My feet step down each day on earth
but don’t define my story.
My story leaps in looping arcs,
bounces down the street
like children tethered to a parent’s hand,
their darting jumps forever anchored back,
encouraged by security

My story leaps for meaning
and will connect sometimes
to consequences that light it up,
closing all the circuits down the line,
illuminating bridges, tracks, and tunnels

Showing what was relevant
from all those steps throughout my time,
showing what was destiny,
or thus defining it,
the future giving meaning to the past,
the place I land creating my past path.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 17, 2021

Ready to dream

And when the day’s tough times were over,
the dogging demons not so much defeated
as dispersed, not ever seeming
to be obedient, but simply passing
outside of my attention,
after the fire was long gone
but the stone was still warm,
the waxing gibbous moon
peered through the clouds,
bright enough to cast a shadow,
and dark blue patches showed
between the clouds,
and nothing that had bothered me
was worth taking to bed
where everything waits
to be recombined.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 16, 2021


Let me leave the lumps behind
(collateral of judgment)
let the things I say lift free
like flame, like grace,
like being moved by music
in a dance with no pretension

Let me abandon
all pontification, weights
that can fall haplessly
on someone else’s toes,
let my expression
welcome others to their own,
let it celebrate their light
such that we multiply  –
our signal spanning light years,
our radiance close at hand,
bringing warmth and life
to all the land.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 15, 2021


Let’s start at the beginning
where my bones know your bones,
where they can feel them laugh,
mirth ripples echoing
down their shafts,
delight inherent

Let’s start at the beginning
where they confide trustingly
the solid truth about themselves,
the longing and the confidence,
the places they hold open
for the rest of us to play –
how glad they are that we’ve availed ourselves
of their hospitality,
that we have come home here
to be together.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 13, 2021

Take possession of your body

At the voice of Truth, your body
thrills in awareness, all its currents
apparent, transparent  – its unobstructed flow
coursing with power. You feel the solidness
of it – not as clay, but as imperative,
the joy of presence, unmovedness
of honesty, the certainty of what it is,
what it must be

Ask your body  – it will tell you
what you may have been trying
to assert. Give it credit,
and give it slack. And finally,
give it comfort, for it deserves to know
you will take care of it,
you have its back.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 12, 2021


May you feel peace in your toes.
May you feel strength in your feet.
May you feel confidence
in your stride, and joy
in every breath

This moment belongs to you.
This is you as celebration.
This is you as recognition
that every one of your steps
is met with support as deep
as the earth, and what you reach for
rushes to meet you

The fact of your substance
can’t be hidden any longer.
You’ll feel it rising up
more and more each day,
creating the bridge
that closes the gap
and lets all of heaven bloom forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 10, 2021

House of Justice

The rooms of this house  –
I consecrate them  –
Let them be fully filled
with harmony. Let the rhythm
of Soul so saturate the spaces
that everything within reverberates

This is a house of justice,
so all who enter here
are seen for what they truly are.
There is no frequency here
for false representation  –
it finds no chord and so is left in silence

And even if your truest tone
has so far never sounded,
it will ring out here,
so true are the harmonics  –
if you didn’t know  before,
you will know now,
and so will all the dwellers
in the house.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2021


Let me slip in
with calm confidence,
let me slip into the cage
with no fear of the snarling  beast

I will bring nothing with me –
nothing of pride, nothing of judgment,
I will go with trust
that nothing that I am
can be attacked
and that my fearlessness
can bring the needed evidence,
my love
can bring the needed peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 7, 2021