A Mystery

I can’t tell you about this,
snow melting, drips of rain coming down,
subtle elusive smells – cabbage? mammal?
crunch of crusted slush under my boots

I can’t tell you why
a smile circles around and catches me
from behind, from within,
or why the sense of something poignant
hovers, just beyond recognition

Once again I feel
waves of understanding, of forgiveness,
of remorse  – of letting these be phases
in the crumbling of old perspectives
so truth can align to hold the
infinitely weighty but perfectly balanced place
where we can hold each other
in exquisite trust.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 30, 2021


Consider Spirit,
for where would you even think to be
without it? Why would you even care?

Consider Spirit,
for your very breath rises and falls
at its direction. Your desire to be alive
is its very imprint

Since you have never even
lifted a finger without it
(and you have been and done so much!)
does it not make sense
to let it carry you –
through all these seas and home,
through the whole winter
to the springing grasses?

©Wendy Mulhern
December 28, 2021

Enter Winter

We watch the snow come down,
we let the projects
crammed up against the calendar
wait another day,
we watch the sun come through,
and then the clouds
across the snow –
we let it be the main event,
we wrap our day around it

We keep the fire burning,
we let the hidden warmth
of our companionship
create for us a pause,
a place that we can rest in

Some great understanding hovers
just beyond our grasp –
we let its implications
drift down in.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 27, 2021

In Kinship

I give myself permission
to find myself lighter –
composed of elements
that sparkle and stream,
and mingle with the stream of
what floats in the air,
what circles and kindles tingles,
life leaping in molecules,
sending joy in rolling curves
up along the skin

I give myself permission
to be weighty, propelled by breath into
solid pushback against the floor,
finding the mountain stance
where I will not be moved

It is the same breath
in both cases, the same Spirit  –
I walk in kinship with the air and earth.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 25, 2021


Tonight we feel
we can settle down softly,
like snow, like radiant heat.
We can be soft with ourselves
for the work we haven’t done,
for the time we need
to gather resolution
for the final push

Tonight we feel
we have been filled with friendship,
and can use its model
to walk our way out
of the pit of isolation,
till what we see as distant stars
become our beacons
and our beacons
become our light.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 24, 2021

Looking Back

According to my journals,
I’ve made no progress at all.
I’m wrestling with the same stuff,
I’m flying on the same hope  –
I see the bracing path rise up before me,
feel stronger with each vista I attain

I had imagined I’d be coming back by now,
bearing treasure, telling tales of all my victories,
but the trail demands I keep attention forward
and leave my dreams of accolades behind

According to my journals,
back last year I also battled darkness,
and last year I also walked in light,
and maybe there’s no final victors’ banquet,
just the daily work of taking steps aright.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 22, 2021


In this fractured dream world
there is no is,
no state of being right,
no state of being
a certain kind of person

There are no facts about the past,
there is no structure of
the current state of things

However long we grapple with
our and each other’s
version of the truth,
however justified our story seems,
we won’t get closer
to anything that represents us fairly

Through the fractures in this dream world,
light can be seen  –
Oh light, be my justice,
enlightening me,
Oh light, be my vision
and teach me to see.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 21, 2021

The light that gives us meaning

It seems the right time of year
for us to fall into darkness,
for the day to sock in,
for the lights to go out,
for the water heater
to have no juice

And in the view of flames
for us to contemplate
the light that gives us meaning,
how it rushes in with a similar sound,
how it wakes up limbs and toes,
how it illumines our desire and purpose
and will sustain us
even when the solar light is gone.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2021