
Fire’s heat
has filled the stones,
lulled our bones,
defended and defined our home

The rain has likewise
owned the outside,
sending its grey waves
across the hills,
softening the earth,
raising the green

Now night has fallen
upon us all,
and we’ll range
through concentric circles
of every here we may remember
or imagine. 

©Wendy Mulhern
October 10, 2023

Seed crystal

I will not give voice to rage,
however justified it claims to be,
rage against rage,
justification on top of injustice,
indignation tearing at dignity –
this is not the voice
that can bring quiet,
this is not the voice
that leads to satisfaction

I will listen for the voice of peace,
seed crystal,
deep within all sentience,
present, thus, in each of us,
its symmetry and elegance
poised to grow,
ensured, by its very nature,
to reconstruct the whole space.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 9, 2023


Today I reconsidered what’s possible,
and what’s not. And it’s not possible
for me to be outside of harmony.

Therefore any stories to the contrary,
of my blame or yours,
must be untrue,
and can have no effect
on you or me,
or what we are here
to bring forth together

This moment belongs to something higher
than we yet understand
of you and me.
This moment is ours
to find out what that means.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 7, 2023


In this fluid shift near the balance
of night and day,
the contrasts move past each other
in intricate dances –
fog licks in wisps around the drier air,
warmth blazes through the cool,
cool wafts through warmth

All the scents of change rise up,
morning sun and shadows interlace their fingers,
grass gleams with dew,
new green shoots amid
summer’s darkening brown.
Joy rises unbidden as the dawn,
sense of adventure
sweetening the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2023


More important than feeling better
would be the gift of knowing
you are fundamentally sound,
incapable of having something wrong with you,
approved of to your deepest core,
delighted in, to each extremity,
illumined such that no dark shadow  –
disappointment, or even disenchantment  –
could ever fall across you.
That, certainly, would be a reason
to rise, take up your bed, and walk.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 2, 2023


This is just the beginning  –
new sense lending new sight,
truth always there – now known,
what this knowing gives rise to

I’ve been remembering
how love’s currents feel inside me,
the rippling light streaming through,
opening me up, my willing
flowing following after where it leads

I’ve been thinking
of the other places this applies  –
all of them – what gets swept away,
but more importantly
what shines forth in its place.
Indeed, the world
is completely overcome.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2023


Another day of moving through the holy place
of people traveling – me along with them,
immersing in the river of their efforts
and their individuality  –  how they are loved,
and how they long for love,
how their love is hidden, and how it shows

I travel smooth, I travel filled with joy,
for all of us are hoping to be seen,
and everyone I truly see
elates my heart,
and in that seeing,
I am fully blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2023


Each of us grasps at the sweet threads –
filaments of possibility  –
hoping they will pull us
into the deep source

They trail from hopes, from stories,
which tell of how to catch them,
but if we fail to win the stories’ ending,
there’s no need to despair –
those endings may deliver fine true love,
but the sweetness also is right here,
and we can feel it everywhere.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2023