
Come into the wide open space,
let it begin to show you
how you may be defined

Light touches grass with wonder –
grass, illumined, exults to bask
in its own essence

At our best while blessing,
made most ourselves
in how we light up someone else,
or let their light be our grace,
brightening us, and giving them
a place to rest.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 3, 2022

Night Music

The rain rolls its music
down the gutters, into the tank
where round echoes replay
the rhythms of trickling,
the pause and rush
that give a cadence like words –
you could easily think
someone was speaking
just beyond the range of intelligible.
Frogs add counterpoint.
For all this,
I am glad.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 2, 2022

Stand up

I am not confused
although the tangled weavings
of dark money
have been cast,
intending to obscure the truth

I am not confused
because the slick conceit of evil
has always been the same,
self-absolving misdirection,
naming scapegoats, casting blame

This isn’t what it looks like,
and while we could, perhaps,
go on for another fifty years
or generations, suspended
in the same lies, we also

can always know within
what truth sounds like,
what stands it calls us to,
and how it will support us
as we support it,
and how it moves mountains
and will not be moved.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 1, 2022


I venture once again
into the place of silence
where the quest is mine alone,
and much as I might want
to talk about it, it really
has nothing to do with what I think
or what another may advise

It really has nothing to do
with making sense of things,
for I am called to go beyond sense
to where the indelible touch
has left an opening

Having felt it once
I am equipped to notice
every breath of wind across its surface,
I am impelled to meet it
and find the way in.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 27, 2022


I will not settle
for the usual excuses,
I will not retreat
to helplessness

This is not my battle
so I don’t need to win it,
but neither will I stand by
to see it lost

The Mind we dwell in
is sovereign  –
it owns our being, it owns our thought,
and it will bear us
on comprehensive currents
so we let go our obtuseness
and are taught.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 26, 2022

Could be

The usual calculations
have been made, chess pieces
trotted out, arrayed,
leaders on at least one front
secretly dismayed  –
here we go again

But it could be that many hearts
are ready to see an new thing,
it could be that they’re able
to cease to be the pawns.
It could be there’s a way
for everyone to be surprised
to see a different, peaceful, way unfold.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 25, 2022


It’s not like you get to bargain
with death. If you give it one little wink,
it will have you. It will take you
on its own terms, not on yours

But it’s not that death can win.
The enduring multiplicity of life
will keep doing as it always does,
branching out the possibilities.
Put all attention there, and you, too,
will keep on growing.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 24, 2022


In this world of shifting shadows
things may be predicted
but nothing is promised. You can be gone
just like that
and what was the point
of everything you strove for?

Which doesn’t change my practice
of putting each foot down, doesn’t change
my proof-gathering sense
that what is done in love
will have results,
and love will always make sure
to take the steps needed
so the results come.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 23, 2022

Like this

This is how you are vindicated,
this is how you are washed clean,
this is how you are lifted

A truth bigger than your arguments,
a goodness with no argument at all,
a love that loved you
before any quid pro quo,
and loves you now
touches down, becoming
everything you ever thought about,
all you ever wanted.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 22, 2022