
Things go through changes  –
clouds turning in on each other
drifting beyond the wires,
moon in its cycles,
changing its timing and size

Some processes are light
and some are forceful  –
wind and gravity,
flood and fire

And in their crucible,
that which never changes
emerges pure,
again and again remembered,
transfigured, rendered …

It is the same with us,
these days, these seasons,
as we sweep through these great flows
and reemerge.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 12, 2022


Awaken all my molecules,
lead me as a swarm, a convocation,
incite me in unison  – I will move
not by directive but by acclamation

There is one Spirit
filling every here,
and as it moves,
everything does

This is ubiquitous as spring,
common and miraculous  –
it touches us each in a singular way,
it touches us all the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 11, 2022


In small moments, we come around
to knowing who we are –
each time removing us
from grid-based definitions,
from categories and from grades

We know ourselves more fully
in the moments to which words
can only come after,
silent in prediction or prescription
but eloquent in poetic wonder,
tracing the illumination of contact,
chronicalling the joinery of Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 10, 2022


Waves of worry
like April snow
whirl and do not settle,
though they are few

It takes a little rain,
a little rainbow,
the next communication
and a deep breath

It takes rethinking
what life’s essence is,
its resources and causes,
what gives the power to live

And worry is more than gone,
forgotten as April snow,
no trace of it remaining
in the resurgent sun.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 9, 2022

True Gifts

When freed from their shells
the gifts course through you,
providing structure
responsive as trees,
springing with their corded light
to bud as life,
remaining in your memory
as part of who you are

These gifts can’t miss or fade –
they will multiply
in what you are
and what you give in turn.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2022

When it comes down to it

Everything is very simple
when it comes down to core desires  –
what we want, anyone can give us
and we can give it to anyone

If we understand even just a little
of the truth of this,
we can begin to practice it.
Why wouldn’t we? This is an awesome power –
to bypass all the petty issues
of judgment, criticism, worth,
and simply give each other what we need.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 6, 2022

Find me here

So sweet it is to find
how spring touches everything,
here, just as where we were before –
how light affirms
that each of us has our opening,
our place to bloom, our fragrance –

Home springs out from our breath and our movement,
taking in the present blessing,
blessing each place where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 5, 2022

In conversation about God

No need to postulate a puppeteer
pulling strings to move things to his will

You could as well consider
the element of goodness
present in every particle,
lifting each in its own buoyancy of joy,
none of them orchestrated,
none moved by some external will

But each in the imperative of essence
exercising that which goodness does,
joining and celebrating, lifting the collective
through being what it most desires to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 1, 2022