
This morning I let myself imagine
a happy future  – nothing special, really  –
just a family, and some bubbling love
and easy music – just the overflow
of joy engendered in simple presence,
children, and parental bonds
showing life to be so far beyond
what could be bought, or sold, or planned.
And it was plenty, such that I could relax
into the days to come,
open armed and ready to receive.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 28, 2022


There isn’t a state of not knowing.
There isn’t a state of not loving.

I hold this compass up
against confusing thought scapes,
the maze tight corridors
through which my sights
for so long have been channeled

I will learn this lesson
from all who know it –
from trees, and from grasses,
and from anyone
who with humility and wonder
has plied their art for long enough
to make it be their teacher

We live in knowing
and we live in love
and in their practice
we will make the net
that heals the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 26, 2022

A kind of happy

rejoicing in the many ways
to revel in the grace of days

The way it feels to walk the land,
which, even in the mist and rain,
enchants, the way you saw me there
and how it made you happy,
and how you came across the grass to tell me

The things we think we need to do
shift and settle. We release the sense
of all we should have done by now.
Outside, the scene glides into darkness,
the fire’s reflection occupies the window.
We know no more now
than we knew this morning,
but perhaps we can allow ourselves
to be at peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 25, 2022

No Void

There is no condemnation
when seeing through the eyes of love,
and when there is no void
there is no fear

There is no separation
when seeing with the Mind of One,
and where there is no void
all things are clear

And as we learn to have no lens
to focus on what isn’t,
truth’s continuity fills up our sight
and leads us out of prison.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 21, 2022


It may seem easy
(thanks to force of habit)
for me to see the opportunity
to serve some lofty goal
if only I were there instead of here

The service here
is far more humble,
and may seem almost pointless for its smallness
(voices say not even worth the effort)

And yet this frame,
the one my eyes see out from,
this moment, and the things that I might think,
this truth, from which my love arises,
is the only point of action that I have

I move, my thought moves,
and I bring this with me –
the way to see, to love, and to uplift,
the present place where I can bring forth blessing,
a constant portal to the infinite.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 20, 2022

Sun break

Satisfaction floods like sun breaks,
full redemption for squallish complaints –
I step outside crowned with it,
for we are here,
and here is where we most want to be
and what we most want to be doing

Fruition comes in many stages –
well before blossoms, the evening light
can be a joy harvest,
the exaltation of new green
is also a kind of fruit.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 19, 2022


Gratefully I receive
tutelage in Love’s intelligence,
which teaches me to drop
uneasy vibes of being judged
and come home to my love’s source,
which is so vast, it can subsume
any judgment, any wound –
it can embrace the whole of anyone
so thoroughly
that even the tiniest shards of ice
melt away.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 15, 2022