
I’m not responsible  for showing up
for the bad dream. I’m not responsible
for fixing it. I don’t owe it
attention or due diligence  –
I can let it go.

I am responsible
for my allegiance to the light of day,
I am required to let it guide
all of my perceptions, all my decisions,
feel its illumination from inside.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 7, 2022


We find you innocent,
and the prognostication
of a long horrid journey
falls away

And the notion of yourself
just discovered to be
a fearsome monster
with many a rage
for which to pay
turns out to be a dream

We shake ourselves free
from troubling illusions  –
we seek refuge
in what guarantees your being,
we get used to the prospect
of not being afraid,
not now,
and not ever again.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 4, 2022

Our comprehension

What I say with bravado
falls hollow. And takes up space
like dust and clutter, till I clean it up,
till I abandon it for silent waiting
to hear what’s really true fill up the space

It fills with words that sing like sweet rain
(scent of cilantro on my fingertips)
and bring no sentencing, no consequence
for anything we did or did not do

They bring assurance
that we were always more than what we thought,
large as our comprehension
of our God.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 3, 2022

After a wet spring

It’s a year of long grass –
seed heads at face height sometimes,
clover our feet disappear in,
visually soft, full of many colors
within the green

It’s a year of eager growth
encouraged by forgiveness  –
something within rising continually up,
touching the softness,
reaching into it

Everything has been washed clean.
We, too, can feel it,
we, too, discover flowers
that may not have bloomed
(at least not like this)
for many years.
We offer our fields as gift,
as mystery, as thanks.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 1, 2022

Turning point

In quiet gratitude
like evening sun after a weekend’s rain,
I see the vista of our life
rolling out in possibility

Maybe we really can have
fruitful trees and grains,
maybe we can realize our vision,
maybe light can pour as grandly
across our inner landscapes,
and we can walk together there
husbanding peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2022

The words we need

So far I am from understanding
the algorithm that comprises
who we think we are
or how we think we heal,
and what I could possibly do
to reach into those complicated nodes
and set a thing to right

But this I know:
We’re powered by the same desire,
and there are words
each of us needs to hear
coming from deep within,
ensuring us that all is well,
including us, including us.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2022

Between the storms

After the weather,
between whatever storms
may seem to take up all your thought,
after fear’s spiral has driven you down,
there’s still a place in you
that finds a way to float up,
and the small good points
which you have counted on
to save your sense of worth
assert their buoyancy.

They are bigger than you thought,
able to deliver you,
able, finally, to shake themselves
from any other story
and fill up all the spaces in your being.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 28, 2022

Any kind of work

The work brings out precision
mostly in how it demands
the gathering of everything that’s necessary,
the right tools and their right use
and the care they need,
a sense of the materials,
their strengths and limitations,
and how to make them do what you require

And you have to attend to the whole process  –
you have to have the strength
to draw your care around it
and hold it all together.
Once you have done all that, it’s easy.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 27, 2022


I will not be afraid,
for the work to be done
is bigger than the voices that would nix it

If I find myself afraid,
I won’t assume that fear has won –
what it lacks in intelligence
it tries to make up with sheer persistence, it’s unoriginal, but tries to hide that
with ubiquity.
yet neither of those ruses makes it true

I won’t be afraid,
for truth has both intelligence and presence,
and is well able to win the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 26, 2022

Morning preparation

Let my love be purified . . .
Nothing is lost, nothing is rejected . . .
It’s not that I outgrow a former self  –
all my awareness, now as ever,
centers on the light

Truth is my citadel – within it,
there’s no parade of lies,
no reign of influencers, no
hot button misdirection

I can feel its solid power
established in my mind,
spreading its sweet peace
throughout my sphere,
and in its vision,
I see things turning –
small openings of light
where things come clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2022