On this day

In the morning, I felt reflective
on the constructs I have held up,
and held dear, then shed like clothes,
like skin

Later, I felt connected
with the source of everything,
I felt embodiment
like a forming crest, like cambium

And now, well after dark,
after this long summer day,
well past my bedtime,
I feel ready to be led,
like a lamb, like a child,
to a more constant praxis
of my Truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 15, 2022

You, sovereign

Beware the misdirection
of those who serve the beast –
they put forth expectations
in a voice that makes you think
they are your own. They would have you
assume you want the things
they say you want, and fear
the things they say you need to fear,
and be compelled to follow
the story arc that they inculcate
to you and all the others in their thrall

You don’t owe them anything!
You are the sovereign expression
of divinity. The logic of your being
asserts itself through all of you.
It holds the whole direction
for your life,
and you can follow it
in awed discovery
of all the joyful wonder that is you.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 14, 2022

Finding kindness

It well may be
you can find kindness
anywhere. Still,
there are some places not to go
when you are searching
for someone to be kind to you

(They spit you out!
They don’t give you a chance
to speak for yourself! They speak
to their assumptions about you –
they never see you at all!)

Of course the best way to find kindness
is to be kind.
Then you can find it anywhere –
if not in others
then at least in yourself.
From there it tends to multiply  …

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2022

Go ahead

Go ahead, take it –
take the empowerment  –
you’ll like the way it feels –
it’s definitely worth it
to ditch the victimhood
and the self justification

Take the empowerment  –
it’s worth the humbleness it takes
to toss off how you’ve framed yourself before  –
I promise you’ll enjoy it,
and you’ll feel much more
like how you always sensed
that you could be.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 12, 2022


Entitlement is not
a happy state of the heart.
Those who are whole
desire to do their part  –
they are fed by what they give –
to be a giver is to live

Compassion feeds the soul
and saves us
from swallowing the shadowed insult
of someone’s expectation to be served.
They may be arrogant, disparaging, insensitive  –
compassion makes us whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 11, 2022

Father to Son

My son, I tell you this because
to share the hidden vectors
lets you take hold of them,
lets you wield them
instead of being secretly pierced

My father thought
hiding such things from me
would spare me, but I found
I had to treat his wounds anyway,
not knowing they were his,
feeling them my own

I know that what I don’t transmute
I leave for you to do –
know that I’m working on it.
Maybe this way, somehow,
we can work on it together  –
maybe we both
can find a freer sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2022

Day moon

Why it makes me happy
to see the half moon
while looking up to harvest
high growing peas
must be a human thing,
or rather, something things that see
might share, curve of pea reiterated
in the curve of moon,
my needing to look up to reach the peas
occasioning the sighting  –
day moon colored like a cloud,
returning, with my sight of it,
all the other times it’s made me glad.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 7, 2022