
The entire world
and how I know it,
and how it knows me,
may be something completely other
than what I suppose,
but the ability to finally
get the air under my wings
and hold myself aloft in dreams
brings a state of relaxation
with enough renewal in it
to bring enchantment
to my vision of the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 3, 2022

Tree Talk

Yesterday I walked around
and spoke to our little trees  –
I told them of my vision of a canopy
where they would touch limbs
and be a happy welcome
to so many living things.
I told them of my gratitude that they were there
and my anticipation of their coming grandeur

Later, when I came outside again,
I smiled, remembering our conversation,
which was part of how I knew
communication had gone both ways.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 2, 2022

In Common

When I release the labels,
every one of us can slip through the bars,
free as fish, smooth as silver flashes,
anything that bound us up in judgment
left behind, caught against the grate

We didn’t need those definitions  –
we can laugh in sleek joy
to find ourselves united
in the bright grace of our being
and the unity with which we move,
sharing currents and clarity,
surging onwards along our common course.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2022


You can’t touch the day
without being touched back,
you can’t touch the truth
without wonder

There’s no avoiding the transformation,
your substance chiming crystalline,
suddenly conductive of the whole
intensity of light,
your hands tingling with power

Once the connection is made,
nothing can be taken from you –
the wholeness of your integrity
renders you unassailable.
You are a gift now,
for you can’t help bestowing
the transformation
everywhere you go.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2022

Seeing Us

In the domain of crickets,
in the realm of bright secrets,
things you can know
for the price of precise attention,
is a truth within each of us,
found when your gaze goes between
the beliefs and conventions,
practices, preferences, habits,
and stated intentions,
falling instead on the flickering glow
of that substance of us
that wells up from below
in response to what touches us
deeper than anything,
moving our hearts to delight,
quickening us and our light.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2022

Free to ring

Little one, today you are free
of the choice you made
so long ago, when your body
was way too small
for such decision
and you were way too new
for that kind of burden

It was a lie, the need to choose  –
you really could have had
all the good, and you still can –
you are free from every threatened consequence

You always have been a clear chime,
and no slipped felt could ever dull your tone.
Today, you can feel your full resonance,
today you are free to ring.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2022

My Father’s world

I must remind myself
my Father’s world is kinder
than the one that I grew up in  –
my failures, glaring though they are
do not require an unrelenting penance

I need only turn –
my honest self awaits,
humble and attentive and responsive,
wholly furnished and appointed
to reflect.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2022

In our hands

All the history of our lives together
comes down to this –
we hold the pieces in our hands,
and as we’re ready,
we can place them together,
puzzle out the picture,
observe the linking patterns

It’s not so much the pieces
as the way our hands will touch
while we’re putting them together  –
they know each other so well,
and they will remind us.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 22, 2022

Season’s change

I am glad for the light drumming
of rain on the roof, and its gurgle
into the waiting tank,
and the softening and greening of the land

We slide across the equinox
as quickly as a cloud shadow
darkening the valley,
our urgent journey unaffected
by season’s change,
our sense of home
enhanced by it.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2022