Still me

After a day of distracting myself,
it’s a delicate process
to get back to the truth points
now folded under what I pulled up
spending way too long
with my old journals,
and the wordless hum of daily tasks,
but I will find them

This morning I woke up
luxuriously relaxed
from dreams of flying
and filling with sound

And I see that I was still me
back in those old journaled days
just as I was me
in those free flights.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2022


Today I remembered cuddling you
inside my fleece pullover
to get you warm –
it took a long time,
and it was sweet

But now I wish I’d known a sweeter cuddle –
the one that has no armor
to shield you from the world outside,
because there is no outside
to the Love that heals you,
that stays within and all around you always,
that knows you through and through
and is delighted,
that knows this love is yours
and always able
to warm whoever comes within your sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 14, 2022


With humble tenderness of mending nets,
to hold the whole to patiently assess
its base integrity, 
and if there are some holes,
to ply the string and tie the knots
that will restore it –

Just so with all the patterns of my thought –
I seek to mend them, so that they can catch
shining perceptions,
bright glimpses of Soul,
in every life, in every sea we troll.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 12, 2022

Come now, and let us reason together

It may seem hard to daily, hourly,
take a stand for truth,
but if I didn’t,
what would I be standing on?
What fluff of happenstance belief
would I expect to hold me up?

And it could be the hardest part
is shutting down the voice
that says it’s hard,
for joy, in fact, is easier than worry,
and being true will hold me up
where self deception fails.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 11, 2022

No Worry

You’ll be happy to know
I’ve figured it out  –
it’s not my job
to worry about you

As you often tried to tell me
but I was slow to hear,
worry about you
is none of my business

I’m sorry – it was insulting, now I see,
to worry about you, as if you didn’t have
your own way, your own wings,
your own destiny to wield
with your own hands.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 10, 2022

Note to self – directionality

Look to your source  –
it shouldn’t be that hard to remember:
What you are comes from there,
what you do comes from there

You are not made of what you’ve bounced off of,
what you collided with,
what you grew up under

Your thoughts and actions
aren’t reactions
to what you see and hear
or what is done to you

Your source determines
all your quality, all your direction,
and all your flow.
Your actions can be free and clear,
your heart unsullied
and your life aglow.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 9, 2022

Angelic Light

Foggy morning, cobwebs in my heart,
in day’s dim dawn, my world felt pulled apart,
the threads were broken, all my prospects frayed,
my hope was shrouded and my colors grayed

Then came the message,
clear across the night –
you were made to shine angelic light –
whatever entropy has stultified your dreams
can just be dust, can seep out at the seams

You never were that construct,
stitched of story, stuffed with fear,
all this time, you have been holy,
all this time, your purpose clear

This is your color
and it will shine on through –
angelic light, the quality of you.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2022


Teach me what to give up
and what to hold on to –
these things get so tangled
in the day to day of interaction –
threads of care with threads of
false responsibility,
desire for healing
with efforts to instruct
and I just need
everything to come clear –
to throw it all away
and let You hold
the threads that count.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 5, 2022


Consent to joy –
don’t ask it to prove itself  –
consent to it
and you will see it rise
like wisps of morning fog,
you’ll see it
in a tree limb’s gesture,
you’ll feel it
like the sun across the hill,
bringing hope with it,
shedding light on purpose

Consent to joy –
it wants to shine in you,
it wants you,
all of you –
it wants you as you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 4, 2022