The holy city

The holy city
comes softly present within,
infusing my thought with chords,
showing the substance,
showing the centered poise
power and peace call their source

Of course we have always needed the infinite,
needed intelligence,
needed desire

Everything true in us
always has lived here –
to every part
the city is known,
the beauty of holiness
leads us to find it
leads us to find it home.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 16, 2022


I’m learning the ways of bread,
and it’s much like
learning the ways of people,
customary treatments and assumptions
proved far different
from what will do the best

The nuance needs attention,
and attention
is more valuable than rules,
and to have a gentle hand,
I must know what I am working with –
each moment has its own requirement,
each touch, its perfect place and time.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 15, 2022


I had a dream about
you playing with bears in the surf,
showing me a video afterwards,
the push of your hand
against the long wet fur,
a large black rock,
waves gliding in

It was affectionate
and so appropriate,
a thing to share,
a thing to be proud of you for,
salty and wet and unafraid,
riding your love like a wave.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 14, 2022


I’ve  been here before.
This time I intend
to never leave –
I will bring this room with me
when I drive, when I ride,
when I dream, when I stride,
I will take it with me,
an enclosing sphere,
a protecting glow,
a law, a way of being –
I will walk in the blessing,
letting in teach me
to live the only truth I need to know.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 10, 2022

Proof of God

You may be sovereign
but you are not alone

This is the miracle of it –
how you’re equipped to love

Which shows there is relationship,
and in the spark connecting us,
there is the joy that makes us want to be,
there is the joy that makes us multiply

It’s simple, really –
follow your desire back –
you’ll see that you’re not meant to be alone,
and also that you’re not.
Companionship reveals the fact of God.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2022

The field

In the field of calm
nothing is disturbed –
the patterns and the colors grow together,
their harmony locks in,
and the resounding hum
rises in reverberating light,
clear and true

It doesn’t matter whether my words
were right on or not,
or whether they were received –
the field itself holds the message
and imparts it
to you and me the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 8, 2022

The important thing

You might be borne
by golden jet stream
to float high, in your dream,
among the canyons,
you might dream that you wake up
to find yourself snagged by brambles,
and be amused

You might trace some of those images
back to some waking moments
of the day before  –
(the color of a copper beach,
a volunteer putting a brambly vine
into a pail)

The important thing is joy –
can you take it with you
through the dream and out the other side?
Are your moments kindled
to ignite more? If you need a spark,
please take one from me –
I have plenty.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 7, 2022

The tribe of yes

It’s not so hard
to be of the tribe of yes,
the ones that make you glad you’re here,
the ones that want you
and everything you are

It’s not so hard
to hold the yes till it soaks through
any layers of worry and self doubt,
and proves itself to be
the only thing that’s there

Look how we soften,
look how we shine
when held so easily
in the glowing yes
of the tribe.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 6, 2022


In my image of you,
your toes and wing tips
are dipped in gold –
you have a sheen about you

And you are held
in high regard
by all the threads
that weave you into place,
that hold your context
and your community

In my image of you,
you are blessed – it is a buoyancy
that lifts you clear above
any kind of judgment  –
your very definition
is safe.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 5, 2022