I guess

I guess it’s better
that there’s no one here
to aid and abet my righteous sense of hurt,
no one to be an echo chamber,
magnifying what I say,
making these perspectives seem
to come from everywhere,
no one to give me comfort
in standing in a false place

So i have no choice
but to let that picture fall away,
no choice but to let my feet
reach deep into truth
and anchor there.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 12, 2023


These patterns  – shards from a broken dome,
sharp edges of shattered expectations,
point to places ripe for change

This problem was never
as contiguous as I thought,
and my habitual reaction
is not the only way to be

I reconsider  –
no need to be soft and cut and sobbing,
no need to bleed, waiting to be saved,
that which can shatter
has never been the truth,
that which is helpless
has never actually been me.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2023


I know there’s so much more to consciousness
than what I use each day …
If I could meet you
on some one of these other planes,
if we could converse,
perhaps by taste,
perhaps by sending some essence
through each other’s systems
(which would be like talking,
just in another mode)
what you could let me know
would still be part of the great knowing
we all have access to anyway,
but something unique about your spark
would give me the same elation
as if you were
more conventionally

©Wendy Mulhern
January 9, 2023

This afternoon

It was a time of sun and wind
and frog song,
and winter water on the land,
and color all the brighter
for the mostly muted season

Ravens overhead were unconcerned
who heard their family raucousness –
they, too, sent heart-lift,
joy of life and flight,
span of blue sky,
float of clouds,
rain-washed freshness of the day,
tokens of the hope that guides our way.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 8, 2023

Water ways

Oh, Love, show me the way,
not just the broad, idealistic way,
not just the platitudes

Show me the myriad, immediate,
tiny water ways,
the present way to seep,
to move with love
in every aspect of my thought  –
my first impression, my next conclusion,
my pre-perception outlook …

How I take in and include
all the children of Your world,
all of the moments,
all the patterns that I name,
their dance and music

Show me the way
where service is the path of joy
and joy the path of service  –
however slow or fast I go,
let me move with love.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 6, 2023

Water table

The water that came as rain
has seeped down from the hills
to settle in the grass,
ankle deep along the channels
where it seeks its way
towards even lower ground

Which made me think: Truth
is like a high water table,
right here, coming up through the grass
of our life’s particularities,
not possible to overlook,
or to fear it doesn’t cover
whatever needs it,
as it brings the depth of sky
to every situation –
effortless abundance.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 5, 2023

One Good

Nobody’s taken a package home,
no one has grabbed it
to call their own,
nobody owns it and nobody lacks –

And there’s no measure for the infinite,
and there’s no soul in which it doesn’t fit –
the good we pull up in ourselves
flows without end –
this is true for all of us
and everything that lives.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 4, 2023

Good day

Satisfaction  – good work,
good time spent, good place,
rain coming after outside tasks were done,
rain-framed coziness
bestowing time to read,
gratitude felt all around the edges
of my attention,
less for all this beauty and comfort
than for the underpinnings which hold us safe
and guide us steadily
in the direction of our hope.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 3, 2023


Not to assert my will,
nor yet to leave it behind,
but rather
to let my will out like much long hair,
let it blend with the will of the wind

Let those two be subsumed in the will
that doesn’t push, nor need to,
that holds all desires
in deftly woven harmony,
that opens out all impulse
and unites us
in one grand expression,
granting us the freedom of our dance.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 2, 2023

True Words

You dip your pen deep
into the knowing of things,
you write what’s true,
and because of that,
those who read feel the pull,
through your words,
to something much vaster  –
they remember
they have known this
and they still know it –
it is the Spirit
by which they are impelled,
it is the Principle
by which they move.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 1, 2023