No shadow

No shadow is cast
upon that which glows
with the light which is given
to every thought of it,
every one of its conceptions

No shadow can cut across
the fact of love, known from within
as the only cause of being,
a care so infinite,
it wouldn’t let any state be a mere reaction 

Every mote of consciousness
is love, is loved,
is caused alone by Love,
and so the whole of it
is ever free.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2023

All of us

All of us want to be seen,
and all of us want to be known,
and each of us senses
the worth of our being,
the light that is wholly our own

And none of us want to be judged,
and none of us want to be told
of changes we need to make,
habits we need to break
if we would enter the fold

All of us want to be free,
and want our connections, too –
we want to belong
in a place where we’re honored,
and honor our friends through and through.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 18, 2023


For after all, what are we about but
It’s our best sense of ourselves,
our best hope. It is what fills us up with sweetness,
enough in a moment to last a day,
enough in a day to rocket us
clear up to the stars

So how could we ever think
there is some score to settle first?
(I would be kind if only others
weren’t mean to me)?

We’ve never really been about reaction.
What we are comes only from ourselves,
and what we are is kindness,
that dear embracing wisdom
which resonates within as deepest truth
and solves everything.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 17, 2023

Snow gone conclusion

It was a reminder
that February is still winter,
and that our rising plans
need patience built into them,
and that nature’s gifts
require our attention:

What looked like moonlight at 3 AM
proved itself a carpet
and a sweet wet falling
of night time snow,
and displayed itself, come morning,
as early brightness, and an invitation
to go out, to take it in, to be directly under
geese, in constant commentary,
emerging low over the woods
and landing in the pond

And hearing blackbirds with their morning exaltations,
and seeing blue stretched out along the white
in what became shadows when the sun emerged

It became a snow gone conclusion,
as is often the case,
augmenting our gratitude
for our brief immersion.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 14, 2023


And if you seek a meaning
somewhere deep beneath the surface,
if you seek a core, a source,
a point that doesn’t move
with winds or time or changes of the light,
as you’re coming closer
you will know you hope to find
what touches you, and what you touch,
as home

It is a well known feeling,
it’s a tune
around which symphonies are written  –
when you hear them,
you will circle, you will settle,
and your peace
will ring out like a truth you’ve always known,
will sound you as a song that is your own.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 16, 2023


Just let me have
each day be as this one,
a practice within the art of perfection,
nothing essayed but that which arises
in service to the love and hope
that signal life

And let my practice
come to full fruition
so the truth I know
is seen, and celebrates
what holds us all in presence,
what brings up our desire and sense of purpose
and satisfies them.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 13, 2023


If a word could be a touch,
if a touch could change a mind,
if a mind could take in
every fact of presence,
that’s the word that I would want to use

We spoke of
something beyond language  –
the next, a deeper, comprehensive way
to share, communicate, express,
and come to understand

We felt the longing for it,
felt the hope that it be something
we will learn,
and maybe, truth be told,
this hope is proof
that this is something we already know.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 12, 2023

Thought picture

If I could put this picture
into your mind, if I could have you
feel the way it feels,
if I could draw the links to show
the concept that it illustrates,
maybe I could fully grasp it, too

And so I seek
the language that doesn’t hinge on words,
that doesn’t need the fraught traverse
from my thoughtscape
to some guessed construct
that I have of yours

Instead, this language holds your heart
as something infinitely dear,
and offers it a hearth
and traces what it longs to hear,
and lets you feel the welcome
that all home is made of,
and your heart will draw the picture,
absolutely clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 11, 2023

The central peace

The central peace doesn’t care
if plans are wild threads flung quickly
across the hours, snagging where they will,
or if the day unfolds as grass grows,
steady, but too slow to see

The central peace finds ways to touch down
in consciousness, with a task, with a smile,
with some small outreach of help
that stitches a moment in place

We are all embraced
in the central peace, which means
even if we think we don’t have time
to pause, and let it come,
it still will find us.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 10, 2023


In the still, early morning,
when high fog masks
what the day might become,
in the span before colors
start to emerge from shadowed forms,
the internal song
and the heart of movement
rise up in the pre-dawn light

I must not direct this motion
lest I stifle it,
lest I frighten it away with expectations  –
I can only present myself, willing,
bare feet to the floor,
and feel what happens

And the song starts up,
or maybe the movement first –
they incite each other,
and that consciousness I know of as my body
rides in the perfect harmony,
expressing, not inventing,
exploring, not directing,
making the dance its own,
knowing as it is known.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 8, 2023