
On some days
I let the soft rain
give me permission to be soft,
while the landscape fills in
with soft green,
and I do very little,
while the rivers move
under the whole ground,
pulling all water
to them and down

The soft clouds reprise their motion,
wind running through them,
their goal as drifty as my own.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 4, 2023


I suddenly find myself
on this strange bus,
memories and old connections
blinking through like lights through moving windows,
phantom reflections easily
plowing into the opposite lane,
and though I mostly
parse these images with no concern,
I also notice their entraining lap,
kaleidoscope of worlds
in orderly collision,
ways we see our lives
along this ride.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 30, 2023


Wind blows smoke up the valley –
rain will take it down,
rain will take it down

This day pristine and lovely –
sullied by slag,
sullied by fire

The promises of spring –
trees leafing out,
luminous green,
the clear sky and the sun,
still here but now hooded

The wind comes from the south –
they say it will bring rain –
it may take spring back a notch
but clear the sky again.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 29, 2023

I revel, I luxuriate

I revel, I luxuriate
in never needing
to be good

No need to put it by in furtive storage,
strategic hoarding
for future credit

No need to ferret out
how my accumulation
compares with others’

No need to run my banners up a mast
at chosen times, no need
to cast for accolades,
or falling short,
put on a braver face,
console myself with plans of being better

So I can smile into
the offer of the moment,
perfection given, bountiful,
for everyone together,
this being how it feels to know
there’s none good but One,
and it is ours, and we belong within.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 27, 2023


I was walking outside
in that grace-touched moment
when the warming sun suddenly
brings out all the scents –
new grass and dried flowers,
blossom and resin,
and the air is still fresh enough
to carry each scent and deliver it
like a caress, eliciting
joy like birdsong,
high and acrobatic,
everything I’m learning reprised
in the sweet awareness of presence
and the priceless importance
of everything here.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 26, 2023


Consider who you are,
the strength and grace comprising you,
your power and tenacity,
your will to live

Then you can know for sure
you have no obligation
to settle any scores,
to have reactions  –
don’t need to fix things
before you have the freedom
to stretch out, confident, into your being

Your integrity is your imperative
and it doesn’t wait
for vectors to align,
for others to act first.
You’re free to be completely true
to what you are. You’re free
to learn and do it every day.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 24, 2023


It’s not that we stop spinning,
curling in the currents,
spiraling along their lines
unseen, by us unknown

Nor that we gain the viewpoint
to see the movement from above,
predict, or orchestrate,
or even sing along

This peace, instead,
comes from the inner balance,
the focus of the moment
and the joy of presence,
so instead of being swept,
we ride the swirls,
and own the place we are
and what we give.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 23, 2023

Nothing more

Maybe I’ve used up all my words,
except the ones that will describe
the thoughts that haven’t fully proved themselves

The thoughts are eager. They want to save the world.
They are sure they can, sure their lens,
with dedicated focus, can burn through every lie

The words are watching. They’ll choose
and arrange themselves, once they’ve seen
something certain. Meanwhile they think
there’s nothing new and true enough
for them to say.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 22, 2023