
Following the path of bees,
of roots, I find myself wordless –
voices of instruction silenced,
the work at hand teaching
with the tools it finds in me:
fascination, patience,
admiration, willingness  –
these things that render me able
to ride the lesson through its bends and lurches
into the next moment

And I consider:
many are eager to instruct,
but they can only help me
when I have this attitude  –
can only pull me forward
when I stand in the present intelligence
that everything here reflects.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2023


This makes you visible
in dark space
where your being
is a question, a quest,
and your reality
is all the laws of life,
comprising you, constructing you
from the necessity of being:

Before any of the world-building,
or any of the tropes were put in place,
or the agreements about vectors,
about power,
before the definitions, the menu of choices
from which identities may be selected

Before all that, the primal Love
saw you
(in that seeing you were made)
and set you forth visible,
one of the lights defining space.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 16, 2023


Within the fractal realms of thought
are many passages –
some slide along the straight planes,
worn and smooth,
and some escape –
revealing with their flight
a new dimension,
leading up to newer ways to see

I like to go there,
dart along the karsts
to greater heights,
return with treasure,
collect the lights –
each moment has its opportunity
to find and keep some more of what is true for me.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2023

Seeking angels

In charting of tomorrow’s course,
I think of times I’ve sought
the clarity of angels

Sometimes  I’ve simply yearned for one
to tell me what to do,
at other times I’ve listened
for the inner voice, the recognized imperative,
whose unity with mine released me
from the task of mapping words to action,
(where gaps appear between instruction
and my understanding)

I’ll take whatever angels I can get  –
the ones that keep me company,
the ones that speak as one with me,
the ones that make me feel the wisdom is my own,
the ones that take my hand and guide me
through the vast unknown

And I’ll take angels for everybody  –
none of us can navigate this world alone
we all could use their guidance
for our journey home.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 13, 2023

On grasping something true

Little laughs begin to form
like bubbles deep within –
they find their dazzling ascent
through the medium,
they lighten it throughout  –
so many of them rising all at once –
and when they surface
they may only look like a smile,
but I think it will be one
that will make you feel good,
I think this is one you will like.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2023

Grass springing up

Light glimmers on green grass,
light like a laugh, light like
the swoop of flight

There is more here
than can be understood
in carbon cycles,
though that has its own beauty

This moment of uplift,
this mingling of sight and joy,
this delight of sharing essence
with another life form
is what will shine us
ever more clearly
in the eternity
which we know as home.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 10, 2023

After art night

Shadows speak with added richness,
their convergence in corners
more nuanced than I might have assumed

Thoughts, too, lap and overlap like colors,
creating conversation, composition

And I’m grateful to have found a way to come here,
to be with this practice,
to take all these elements in
and make art.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 9, 2023


It’s OK for one day to roll into another,
for things left undone to be taken up tomorrow,
for flagrant falling off
of regimented timelines

It’s OK to fall into the joy
of being loved,  of being
one for whom the world is made,
one who can do no wrong,
and having no wrong bone
in my body

This is a reason to let things go,
for it is finally
the only reason we are here.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 7, 2023


My arms hold the memory
of taking big clumps of turf by the hair,
beating them against the ground or each other,
grains of dirt flying up

My eyes hold the memory
of thick webs of roots, intricate when exposed,
after I’ve beaten the dirt off

My mind takes these images,
matches them with things in my life,
tenacity, stories, things people try to explain,
it matches them up and drops them
like clumps of sod,
to be considered later.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 5, 2023