
When I breathe deep, I smell bees,
and suddenly the scent of everything
is opened to me  – how the June air at evening
is rich with blossoms and resin, ripe grass
and some distant spice,
and inside the ag building,
sawdust and pencil lead,
various minerals

We work until after dark,
though darkness doesn’t come till 10,
we savor the sky, and the satisfaction
of work done.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24, 2023


Summer stretches out before us,
and where, in former years,
I felt like I could ride it,
fly in freedom and delight
along the long and carefree days,
now I feel I need to carry it –
bring these plants and projects to fruition,
keep these trees alive

A flock of blackbirds cackles through,
landing in groups of five in tops of small trees,
in groups of twenty on the roof.
Two mama turkeys have a fair sized brood,
growing larger daily with no help from me.
We saw a doe with two small fawns last week.
The waxing crescent moon, and Venus,
are seen a little higher in the sky each night.
We all will take our place in the grand order.
My work has a place here, too,
and as I carry, so will I be carried.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2023

Wisdom comes

Wisdom comes from anywhere we ask for it –
every relationship
where we line ourselves up,
line for line, along the lines of any being
for whom we have the most profound respect

Whether it’s a plant, or is an animal,
an elder or and infant,
an angel or a colony of bees

We find it in the willingness to take the journey,
however it expands us,
the willingness to be untethered
from any given point,
to let the change unfold
wherever the connection moves us

Wisdom comes in the surprise
of never having thought that way before,
but knowing, certainly, that it is true.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 21, 2023

Take me back

Take me back,
when I wander down
the old, rutted paths,
finding words in my mouth
that I’ve discarded so many times,
finding myself tripping
in the same old ways

Take me back
to where my steps surprise me
and my words are new
and my presence
is a revelation
for me and others at the same time
as we all see ourselves
magnified in our epiphanies
about each other
and ourselves, too.
Take me back
to where my sight is true.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 20, 2023

Rain reprieve

And if the day let us be lazy
and mostly stay inside and read,
let cold and rain delineate our idleness,
this, too, is cause for gratitude

And when we feel the trees rejoice
at something we could not have given,
to see them make the grateful choice
to sink down roots, to grow, to live

Then maybe gratitude itself has been the gift,
and all these circumstances
combined, conspire to bring it forth within –
this sun-graced ending to the day,
the soaring swoop of unexpected lift.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 19, 2023


In moments of seclusion, I considered
a life unbound by any secrets,
so not depending
on strings of tension and release for its excitement,
but rather, wedded to the infinite,
cleaving to the swift extending Spirit,
feeling the rush and sparkle  of its fine awareness,
unimagined opening of eyes
in moving
from realms of atmosphere
into the realm of sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 18, 2023


All of this is given  –
the subtle colors of the grass in mist,
the times of work, and this,
a drift through almost sleep,
where I still hear the music,
but my sense of where I am slips
in place, in time, in physics  –
my planes of presence bend, blend through each other

When I come back, the light is different,
and I feel rested, but still languid,
and richer for these fusings of perception,
the layers they have added to my day.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 17, 2023

And home

Days start a little later here
but stretch out even longer –
plenty of time to grow, and keep growing,
from small seedlings into big plants,
swaying strongly in the strong wind,
taking what is given by the strong sun

I feel bee-like in my steady buzz
from task to task, taking strength
from every specimen of sturdy growth,
surprised to feel a slowdown in the evening  –
I had felt I could go on forever

In the process, I am learning home,
sharing of place, rhythm of days,
essence of Spirit that holds us
in our harmonious ways.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 15, 2023

Show me

Show me how the laws of physics
are just a subset of the law of Love,
and, as such, cannot run counter
to infinitude of care

Show me how the fact that we are treasured
overcomes the story of our being left
alone and fragile in a world of danger,
consigned to struggle or to sink bereft

Show me that this isn’t an illusion,
a myth for privileged and strong young men  –
show me how it works with full inclusion,
so we can claim our heaven home again.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 13, 2023

Family again

And suddenly today
I feel the way I felt
when we were young  –
grown up and setting out to find
whatever was the journey that was called our lives,
and coming back together for a holiday,
the major strife of growing up behind us,
creating home with laughter, as families do

Today my sense of failing falls away,
and I see we have been living well –
each of us has our own sufficient pile
of life lived

And I see there is a grace
that doesn’t measure things like that –
grace that unfolds second by second
through all the seconds
in which we live.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 12, 2023