Summer stretches out before us,
and where, in former years,
I felt like I could ride it,
fly in freedom and delight
along the long and carefree days,
now I feel I need to carry it –
bring these plants and projects to fruition,
keep these trees alive
A flock of blackbirds cackles through,
landing in groups of five in tops of small trees,
in groups of twenty on the roof.
Two mama turkeys have a fair sized brood,
growing larger daily with no help from me.
We saw a doe with two small fawns last week.
The waxing crescent moon, and Venus,
are seen a little higher in the sky each night.
We all will take our place in the grand order.
My work has a place here, too,
and as I carry, so will I be carried.
©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2023