We won’t talk about hope
before its time.
We won’t talk about rebirth
while there are still hot embers
on the ground.
We will acknowledge
each thing gets what it needs
right when it needs it
Pick up what’s true for you
here on the ground. If it’s mourning,
do it heartily, honestly, wholly.
If it’s gratitude for how important
you now know life to be,
for what you found right under
all the desolation – hold that.
If it’s the life that roars in counter burn
against destruction, then roar with it
as long as that is needed
You may notice, at some time,
the web of care that rushes in,
you may feel a deep relief
that all is not lost.
You may come back with new resolve
and fresh humility
to be a part of this, to deeply live.
©Wendy Mulhern
September 12, 2020