I don’t want the goodness of being
to be something I make up,
something that can fail
if my imagination
or my persistence
be lacking
I don’t want it to be up to me
whether there’s joy in the day,
whether the people in the world
feel fulfilled, know they are beloved
I want that truth to dawn
on its own, because it’s true,
because truth is insuppressible.
I want to get to be surprised
and delighted
by the goodness of being
spilling into my life
with joyful abandon
I ask this in the name of
all that is real.
So be it,
and so it is. Amen.
©Wendy Mulhern
June 16, 2017
Wow. Is this a new voice? Has a terseness, and sparseness of punctuation… Feels bracing.
thank you — the voice has to constantly renew itself —