

In the grand array of Life
there’s nothing fragile —
The most delicate of flowers
is securely held
in the space around it,
in the air and light that haloes it,
and in its neededness
within the web of everything,

the tenderest of fronds
is supported
in the isometric force of life,
pushing out and down,
and in the cycling of energies within it

The finest of perceptions
and the sweetest of emotions,
the deep empathy and sensitivity,
are anchored in a love as vast
as all the universe
where nothing ruptures them
nor overrides their purity

So, too, this day,
this epoch, and this moment,
are held in their perfection
by a law, a love, that leaves
no room for falling —
a law, a love, that cherishes us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 19, 2015

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