The only thing
that can flow inside me
is love.
The only thing that quickens me
Oxygenates the deepest reaches
of my system
Wakes me up
and lets me move
is love.
The only substance of my bones,
their solid comfort, steady, strong support,
their unassuming service, their
good-natured density,
is love.
And love ignites the gratitude
that courses through me, leaps
along my limbs,
Curls into my inner places
with their secret glow,
Lights me like a lantern, pours
illumination out
through my eyes, my skin, my tongue.
And love will ever lead me to my own,
The place that I may bless,
My heart, my home.
And love will guide my words, my steps, my days
In every breath of mine evincing praise.
©Wendy Mulhern
January 3, 2013