(Our friend Foret passed on yesterday evening. This evening I took a bike ride, thinking of him, and these are the images that came forth.)
Life Affirms Itself
Life affirms itself
in brilliant blue of sky
and clouds laid out
in languid abandon
of wisps and splotches
brightness of the late sun
softening the evening
It is a time for wistful thoughts of angels
and imagining us all gathering
free, now, from all our limitations —
all the times we felt we couldn’t share —
When we can recognize each other by the essence
that before we only saw in flashes
but which, in each of us, now shines clear
Life affirms itself
in this and every yearning
and in each instinctive turning
to our Love.
©Wendy Mulhern
June 10, 2012
For Foret: A Tribute
Rainier-sized force of gravity
on the dance floor
Packing massive passion
Centrifugal powerhouse
Roiling currents with your playful storms
Humble and hoping
Romantic troubadour
Proffering sweet flowers plucked from air
Barefoot on your minstrel cycle
Seeking out harmonics, blending song
Forging from outlandish parts and phrases
A role you owned, a place where you belonged
I offer you this evening sky, this mountain
And through awakened feet, this farewell kiss
My feet to earth, and earth to you, Foret,
May you walk on in peace, inhabit bliss.
©Wendy Mulhern
June 10, 2012
Deep gratitude for your wide open grace, and deep generosity! I go to bed into a kinder place tonight with your words. Mary Kelly Greene