A box unfolds
Each side becomes a box
These boxes each unfold
Each side a box again
Each box contains a story
that opens out its own world
its past
its cast of characters
an atmosphere
and changing seasons
days and nights, and different scents
Each story leads along a path
that changes everyone who walks it
taking them along while still contained inside its box
Each box in you
A gift
Each smile of yours a key
that you may give to one who sees
who then may open up a lock and know
a tiny thread of something in your soul
which, if they follow, leads them to your gold
The stories loop away but all return
—for one who has the patience to discover—
to that sweet core your essence hinted with your eyes
Whoever walks with you along this path
(in which you both will change)
will gain a prize.
©Wendy Mulhern
October 29, 2011